Be Curious. You have nothing to lose.

Be Curious. You have nothing to lose.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

30 Day Challenge (Day 22)

Criminal Minds

Today's prompt: One of your favorite shows.

My favorite show of all time is Criminal Minds, for the simple reason that it's super epic. I'm really interested in the mind of a human being and how it decides when something is right or wrong, or how something affects us while for others it goes unnoticed. This TV show encircles that and everything that drives me nuts! Fears, morals, excitement, courage, intelligence, teamwork, love, bravery. Plus, it gives me an insight into the minds of the people we believe to be crazy. Have you ever thought that maybe to them, we are the insane? the individuals without common sense? And even worse! Has the thought that maybe they're right, crossed your mind?  
One of my favorite quotes of all time, (quoted by my main man, Albert Einstein) "A question that drives hazy: am I or the others crazy?" really makes you think! Maybe we all are, in our own way, crazy and the word itself has no meaning. Criminal Minds is like a puzzle, it makes me think and that's what I love about it!

30 Day Challenge (Day 21)


Today's prompt: How important you think education is.

Columbia University <--- End Goal.

I went into a deep, deep depression for not being able to go to college right after high school... that must tell you how important I find an education to be. I strongly believe that if every child in the world was given the opportunity to finish school and open his/ her mind to a lifetime of knowledge, this world would have a better chance at a future. Education is the key to success and I'm not just talking about school and memorizing formulas and names of states but learning, truly learning. The difference between good and bad. Different cultures. Different religions. All sort of deep and intimate thoughts portrayed through paperbacks. The importance of math in our every move. Our history. Fairytales and morals. How to interact with each other. The magic found in our existence and the incredible universe we are part of. Poetry. Art. Music. The feelings of others. Love. And above all, learn to discover ourselves and understand EVERYTHING we are as individuals. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

30 Day Challenge (Day 20)

Eye Candy ;)

Today's prompt: Give pictures of 5 famous guys who you find attractive.

This prompt wasn't meant to be answered until the 25th but I just couldn't wait any longer! Sooooooo... sit back and enjoy some beautiful famous faces. 

5) Logan Lerman
Let's start off with the baby of the group! I've been in love with this one since I was a freshman in high school and to this day, I cannot get over his eyes.

4) Sam Heughan
I recently fell in love with this one but don't get confused, my love for him is not any less. Can someone please just gift him to me  as "Jamie" from the book Outlander?? With his sexy accent and a bow? Please!!!

3) Harry Styles
Are you sensing a pattern here? Cuz, I am! Light gorgeous eyes, dark full hair, and a tall strong body is all I need! Just kidding!... or am I? hehe Right here we have this one... my soul mate, Mr. Haz. 

2) Nick Bateman
This one over here is the only one that breaks ALL of my rules but honestly, he's perfect! It's a crime not to be in love with him. And to be completely honest, I felt like I was going to get incarcerated if I did not add him to this list.

(He looks like trouble... but who 
doesn't like a little trouble at times?)

1) Michiel Huisman
And finally, for the main event! My number 1, my future husband, my love, the light of my eyes, the peanut butter to my jelly sandwich, the ink to my pen, the charger to my phone, the flame to my candle, the tequila to my margarita, the stars to my night sky, the cuckoo to my clock heart... my everything (not really but you get the point! Just look at him! *heart-eyed emoji*) If I don't marry this one, I'm definitely going to be really disappointed with my life.

One picture wasn't enough...

Two pictures weren't enough...

Three pictures aren't enough but it'll have to do.

(Close runner-ups: Jude Law, Jake Gyllenhaal, Orlando Bloom, Hugh Jackman, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Aaron Johnson, Jamie Dornan)

And this random one, who I don't who he is but I just know I wouldn't say no to him.

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know where they keep them all! I swear, they're all preserved in a closed community somewhere in Alaska or something, where they only let them out to be in movies and bands and ads... I want one!!!

Xx - JS

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

30 Day Challenge (Day 19)

Parents! Am I right?

Today's prompt: Disrespecting your parents.

My parents can be a little complicated... overbearing... a bit judgmental... the list could go on. But for the past 20 years, they have been nothing less than my rock. Everything "annoying" that they may do is for a reason. They never mean to harm me, on the contrary they always seem to want to help me in anyway they can and that's more than I deserve. I love my parents with everything I am and I just couldn't be more thankful for having them in my life. I can honestly tell you that I 100% believe that they are the best parents in the world, always sacrificing everything for me. I will always cherish all the crazy, funny, sentimental, candid, and beautiful moments I have had with them and even though they drive me absolutely mental at times, I will never EVER disrespect them by hurting their feelings because they gave me love, their lives... life and I am planning on making that life something they should be proud of!

30 Day Challenge (Day 18)

My Beliefs

Today's prompt: Your beliefs.

I belive in the beauty of the stars and the magic they posses. I believe that trees have personalities. I believe in words and the promises they convey. I believe that I would be no one without my family right beside me. I believe in the power of laughter. I believe in fairytales. I believe in color. I believe in music. I believe that crying and pain are beautiful. I believe dreams are portals to our past and windows to our future. I believe my sister is the funniest girl on this planet. I believe in fate. I believe that imagination is the best human quality. I believe in the Christmas magic. I believe in superheroes who save lives without the need of a cape. I believe in happiness. I believe dressing up is fundamental to life. I believe passion makes a person beautiful. I believe in love. Oh how I believe in love. And I believe that the only way I can believe is through the grace of my beloved God.

30 Day Challenge (Day 17)

Biggest Rollercoaster 

Today's prompt: Your highs and lows of this past year.

We all know life is the biggest rollercoaster, let's see where it took us this year...

- Disney with family, so up on Everest.
- Little Mix concert, so up in the stands.
- New camera, so up-ing the quality of my photos.
- New York, so up in a bus driving through Times Square, so up in the second floor of a McDonald's, Forever 21, H&M, so up on a boat heading towards a Statue, so up on sugar at Central Park, so up on a bridge at midnight, so up-town Brooklyn eating exquisite Asian food, so up in a tall building, so up in the sky.

- Haircut, so up by my ears.
- With chummy, so up-loading videos.
- 1D concert, so up I could barely see them.

- 1 year with Banana Republic, so upgrading my closet.
- December, so up and about.
- School, so up in stress and homework but also up for it.
- Mexico, so up in a white mountain, so up in pyramids, so upside-down in a 360 loop water ride, so upper-level lifestyle, so upgrading, to the millionth percent, in food.

- 20sFloppyHat, so uploading posts every week.
- Birthday, so up in years.

- A couple of sad days feeling down.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Cafe con Leche

Cute Little Breakfast

Boys and girls, today we're going to talk about my favorite thing in this world!!! FOOD!!

I mean, who doesn't love a little cute cafe where you can just sit there and stuff your face with amazing food and pretend you're this unbelievably cool hipster?? 

Is it just me?... probably.

But anyway, I'm going to walk you through the steps on how to enjoy a cute little breakfast!

Step 1: Dress up! It just makes things a lot more fun! For this breakfast outing, I decided to wear my favorite pair of patterned jeans from j.crew (which are just perfect for spring) and some fun accessories from Banana Republic.  

Step 2: Pick the fanciest hot drink you can find. The beauty below is a cappuccino with vanilla extract. It was absolutely delicious!

Step 3: Eat bread! Any variation from bolillo to a french baguette will do. (Disclaimer: This step is probably just for me because I could eat plain bread for the rest of my life) 

Step 4: Since you are about to eat a bunch of carbs, ask for some fruit. This will minimize the guilt accompanied with the next steps!

Step 5 (Fun Step): Enjoy your choice of sweet bread or any kind of pastry! Right here, you can witness the finest specimen of chocolate "oreja" before it's tragic, yet exquisite, end.

This goes with step 5. No coffee date is successful unless a selfie is taken drinking the said coffee.

Step 6: Here's what everyone has been waiting for... Drum roll please! (dum, dum, dum) Devour the mother of all breakfasts! Chilaquiles!!! I swear to all goodness, I'm going to end up marrying this delicious dish. One day, my name will be Mrs. Jackie Chilaquiles! 

And finally, Step 7: Go on a 7 hour stroll around town, to burn off the million calories gained!

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me about your 'Cute Breakfast' adventures below! 

Xx - JS